
Here are some awards that I have won throughout my career:

  • Communicator Award of Achievement
    Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts

  • Silver Award
    Horizon Interactive

  • Communicator Award of Distinction
    Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts

  • Best Advance in Learning Management Technology for Compliance Training
    The Brandon Hall Excellence in Technology Award

  • Excellence Through Innovation award for eLearning Development

  • Bronze Excellence in Learning Award
    Brandon Hall Group

  • Star Performer Award
    National Safety Council

  • Best Performer Award
    National Safety Council

  • Bronze Award
    Horizon Interactive

  • Gold Magellan Award
    League of American Communications Professionals

  • Bronze Magellan Award
    League of American Communications Professionals

  • Best of Show
    InternetTroy Website Competition

  • Silver Excellence in Learning Award
    Brandon Hall Group

Communicator Award

This is a fun one!

I was really blown away when we received this Communicator Award of Distinction from the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts. We made a wonderfully funny video that showed the importance of our company’s Code of Conduct. It used humor and animation to allow us to say things that would have been awkward using other methods.

The Communicator Award is the leading international awards program recognizing excellence in communication across a spectrum of industries. They make it a point to champion effective and meaningful work. The Communicator Awards honors efforts that transcend craft, they want to see work that has made a lasting impact.

The Communicator Awards is sanctioned and judged by the Academy of Interactive & Visual Arts. The AIVA is an invitation-only group consisting of top-tier professionals from acclaimed media, communications, advertising, creative and marketing firms.