Here are some tools to kick-start your creativity, curiosity, and ability to tackle difficult issues.
Three Steps for More Creative Solutions
Creativity is magical but it is not magic. It can be practiced and developed. Here are three steps to boost your creativity (along with a cool diagram to make it come alive!
Classroom Resources
Feel free to use these clips at your school!
This short clip shows that drawings definitely do not start out looking “perfect” - and it is okay if they never get to “perfect” either.
This 90 second video shows how creators often try many different iterations before landing on a final solution.
Creative Jolts
Sometimes you just need a “jolt” to see something from a different perspective. Check out the three samples below or explore ALL of the creative jolt techniques to help get you “un-stuck” when you need it.
The Compelling Power of Curiosity
Curiosity is not just for life-changing enjoyment, it can become a life-changing tool that you take with you in every situation.